Pine Ridge
Bible Camp

About Us
Pine Ridge Bible Camp is located near the town of Beauval in northwestern Saskatchewan. Pine Ridge operates as a ministry under Northern Canada Evangelical Mission (NCEM).
Since 1971 Pine Ridge has been helping First Nations and northern young people from the surrounding area develop spiritually, socially, mentally and physically.
In this scenic jackpine forest setting, God's Word is used to lead campers to a meaningful relationship with God and wholesome relationships with other people.
For our camp vision, Click Here
To read the history of Pine Ridge Bible Camp, Click Here
Meet our team, Click Here
NCEM statement of faith, Click Here
For directions to the camp, Click Here
To see camp photos, Click Here

Summer Camp
Summer 2025 Camp Dates:
Teen Camp: July 7 - 11 (ages 13 - 17)
Jr. Teen: July 14 - 18 (ages 12 - 14)
Scamper Camp: July 21 - 23 (ages 7 - 9)​
Jr. Camp Week 1: July 28 - Aug. 1 (ages 8 - 12)
Jr. Camp Week 2: Aug. 4 - 8 (ages 8 - 12)
Jr. Camp Week 3: Aug. 11 - 15 (ages 8 - 12)
***Note that camp will be running Monday - Friday (except for Scamper Camp).
Camper Registration is Monday between 4:00 and 5:00 pm.
We respectfully request that campers NOT be dropped off before 4:00 pm.
Friday Finale: Parents/Guardians are welcome to join us on Friday for the closing Slideshow at 4:30 pm, followed by Supper at 5:00 pm. We respectfully request that campers NOT be picked up before 5:00 pm.
Also remember to stayed tuned on our social media platforms for online camp memories, fun activities, contests, and more! Look for Pine Ridge Bible Camp on:
Facebook: PRBC.NCEM
Instagram: pineridgebiblecamp
YouTube: Pine Ridge Bible Camp
Also come back to our website for upcoming events and news
