Demo Job
This little log house holds many happy memories for many people! While we are sad that it has to go, we know that it is has not been safe...
Demo Job
One deck almost done!
warmer weather!
Moving in to the office!
Tony's been back!
Polar Plunge Grand Finale!
Araunah's Polar Plunge!
Just when she was thinking it was safe . . .
Send Tabitha in for Her Birthday!
Anxiously Awaiting Polar Plunge Results!
Less than 9 hours left!
It's head to head with Araunah and Marcie
Better start drinking tea Marcie!
They're tied . . .
Let's hit our first benchmark today!
PRBC's Polar Plunge Fundraiser starts today!!!!!!
Our final contestant is . . .
Our contestant kicking off this week is Noah!
Arianna is on deck today!
Today's contestant is Zack!