Do a Fundraiser they said. It will be fun they said. . .
PRBC Polar Plunge Fundraiser

Our Goal
- $32,000.00 -
Help us cover the remaining mechanical costs and get the furnaces installed
in our new dining hall / chapel building!
- $60,000.00 -
Help us finish the lower level of our new dining hall / chapel building in time for summer camp!
The Icy Specifics
a) NOTE: This part is finished. There are 6 enthusiastic (or not so enthusiastic) people listed below. You can choose one or more of the Plungers to make a donation towards. The Plunger with the most donations at the end of the fundraiser will have the 'fun' of jumping in the icy lake!
b) NOTE: Ending at 11:59 pm on February 18. We have 3 benchmarks and 2 bonus benchmarks set. As each of these benchmarks is met, the person listed on that amount (see graph) will make the icy plunge along with the top Plungers (Araunah and Marcie).
c) All donations raised will be going towards our remaining mechanical bill so that we can get our furnaces installed in the new building.
How it Works:
​​Step 1) ​Choose one or more people from the Benchmark Plungers listed below who you would like to see jump in the frozen lake!
Step 2) Click the donate button and follow instructions to make a pledge/donation.
Step 3) Follow the progress online and repeat steps 1 and 2 to make sure your target (I mean Plunger) hits their Benchmark!
Step 4) Add up your pledges and send your total donation.
(you will receive an email with donation info at the end of the fundraiser. Donations are Tax Deductible)
Step 5) Log on to social media and watch the plunge on Saturday, February 19!
Where We Are At:
Updated 11:59 pm
Tabitha -
Bruce -
Nathan -
*Bonus Benchmark Jason Boucher -
*Bonus Benchmark ANBC Crew -
Furnace Goal
Reached - $32k -
*Bonus Benchmarks Jason Boucher and ANBC Crew - any funds raised above the $32,000 will not only help send Jason and the ANBC Crew into the icy lake, but also go towards finishing the lower level of our new dining hall / chapel (ceiling, flooring, doors, etc).
"Hot and cold are both so intense, put them together it just makes sense" - Olaf
And now keep scrolling to . . .
Meet The Plungers
NOTE ***One Day Left to Pledge for our Benchmark Plungers***
Scroll Down to 'Benchmark Plungers' to Pledge
Pledges can still be made towards sending our Benchmark Plungers in the lake along with the Top Plungers (Araunah and Marcie who tied). until Feb 18. See Benchmark Plunger info below.
Araunah and Marcie!

Araunah Wahlstrom
Is at: $5,652.17
An intern at PRBC, Araunah sparked this crazy idea of a polar plunge fundraiser and it took off! Since Araunah loves all things outdoors and adventurous, the rest of the team agrees that sending him in the lake is a good option.
Araunah however thinks that you should donate for Arianna because she was willing to put money down to see Araunah in the frozen lake!

Janelle Pope
Is at: $3,061.50
Since Janelle is only with us for a few more months before heading to school, this could be her one and only opportunity to land in the lake and raise $ for Pine Ridge!
Janelle would argue though that Araunah should be the one to land in the lake. Why? Because it was his crazy idea in the first place, and because he's her cousin lol

Zack Rempel
Is at: $3,091.50
Zack is also interning at PRBC and we are not sure that he has had the full camp experience yet - we're thinking that a jump into icy water would be a good initiation to the team!
Zack very much disagrees though and votes for donating towards sending Marcie in because . . . we're not actually really sure why! Maybe it has something to do with having the Grinch as a role model?

Arianna Iron
Is at: $3,246.50
Arianna is a long time camper and volunteer staff at Pine Ridge and we love having her around! Since Arianna was here when the polar plunge idea was first mentioned and she highly approved of the idea, we think it would be great if she ends up being one of the jumpers!
On the other hand, Arianna thinks it would be great to see Janelle land in the lake because she says it would be fun to see someone she knows and is close to doing this lol

Noah Wahlstrom
Is at: $4,186.50
Since Noah loves being up in the air, we think he should try an under the water experience for a change! Plus his beard will keep him warm, right???
Noah however would highly recommend that you donate towards sending Zack in the lake. Why? Because he'd like to help Zack develop his chivalry, so he'd like to see him go in the lake so the ladies don't have to.

Marcie Klassen
Is at: $5,652.17
Since Marcie works in the kitchen all day and may not have the time to go in the lake come summer, we agree that we should give her the chance to go swimming now!
Marcie would disagree however and highly recommend that Noah should be the one to land in the lake because - well just because he's Noah. And because he has a beard.
Benchmark Plungers
Guaranteed to jump if total donations reach a set benchmark
Benchmark Pledge Deadline 11:59 pm
Friday, February 18

Nathan Siemens
Program Director
$0.oo left to go
Target of $20,000 to see him do the plunge
You need a really good reason to send Nathan into a frozen lake - wait, we have one! Who doesn't want to see our favorite program director make the plunge into the icy depths?! We know that it's always the highlight of the week for the campers when they manage to get him wet!
But hey, at least he'll be taking someone with him from one of the plungers listed above! And Nathan would say that if we hit $20k then why not aim for $25k and send Bruce in also!

Bruce McCaskell
Maintenance Manager
$0.oo left to go
Target of $25,000 to see him do the plunge
Bruce has sacrificially allowed his name to stand only for the purpose of seeing the new building finished! Maybe Thunder will jump in for him?
You can help check another thing off Bruce's maintenance list by helping us get the furnaces installed in the new building!
Bruce says if he has to go in then someone had better put in the last $5,000 so that Tabitha has to jump in also! And reaching the bonus benchmarks would not only help in finishing the new building, but would also send Jason in the drink!

Tabitha Wahlstrom
Camp Director
$0.oo left to go
Target of $30,000.00 to see her do the plunge
Why should you help us reach the $30,000 benchmark? Probably 'cause this would be the one and only way you'd ever see Tabitha jump in the lake in the middle of winter! (actually the only way you'd see her jump in ever lol)! And because she really wants to see this new dining hall / chapel finished! (the things you do out of desperation lol)
But hey, if we reach $30,000 at least Nathan and Bruce will be going in also! And if you're helping us get that far, then why not shoot for the stars and get us to our bonus benchmarks - 'cause I really want to see Jason and the ANBC Crew jump
in the frozen lake also!

Jason Boucher
Camp Director at Big River Bible Camp
and Assistant Director of NCEM
Bonus Target - $50,000 to see him do the plunge
$19,140 left to go
As the camp director at our sister camp, all of us here at PRBC would absolutely love to see Jason land in the frozen lake! I mean, who wouldn't want to see him in the icy drink? :) As much as we like to banter back and forth, we are super thankful for the backing of Jason and NCEM as we raise $ for finishing our much needed new dining hall / chapel building!
Jason doesn't think we can even raise $1,000 - let's prove him wrong and make sure that he ends up in the lake along with everyone else!
*Bonus Benchmark Jason Boucher - any funds raised above the $32,000 will not only help send Jason into the icy lake, but also go towards finishing the lower level of our new dining hall / chapel (ceiling, flooring, doors, etc).

$29,140 left to go
Grant, Merrill and Marcus
Bonus Target - $60,000 to see them do the plunge
*Bonus Benchmark ANBC Crew - any funds raised above the $32,000 will not only help send these three guys into the icy lake, but also go towards finishing the lower level of our new dining hall / chapel (ceiling, flooring, doors, etc).
This crew over at Arrowhead Native Bible Center has decided to jump on the band wagon and join in the fun by one-upping Jason! Grant (camp director at ANBC) has full confidence that we can not only hit the $50,000 benchmark and send Jason in the lake, but also go above and beyond to reach $60 grand!
We are blessed by the enthusiastic backing of our sister camps as we raise $ to try to finish this new dining hall / chapel in time for summer camp!!!
It's a 3 for 1 deal with this benchmark! Grant, Merrill and Marcus will all do the plunge in the frozen lake over in NB if we hit the $60,000 benchmark! Let's send them in the drink!
Team Mascots
Thunder & Tank
Are at: $120
As our Team Mascots, Tank and Thunder are often in the middle of everything happening here at camp! They will be at the jump site and cheering us on! They may even decide to join the lucky (or not so lucky) jumper who has raised the most $ in the icy lake!
Thunder thinks you should donate to reach the $25,000 benchmark so he can jump in with Bruce (or at least lick his face as he comes out). Tank votes for donating to reach the $30,000 benchmark and sending Tabitha in the drink! And they both want $50,000 reached and see Jason in the lake!