You know the saying 'go big or go home'? While Jason Boucher has joined in on our fundraiser and he's going big - $50k big! As Camp Director at Big River Bible Camp and also Assistant Director at NCEM, Jason is almost as excited as we are for this new Dining Hall / Chapel at PRBC - excited enough that he said he will also do the plunge if we hit a bonus benchmark of $50,000! He knows that raising $50,000 would not only allow us to finish paying for our mechanical cost, but also keep us going on getting the lower level finished with flooring, doors, etc. As excited as he is for the new building, Jason is not really worried that he will land in the lake because he doesn't think we can raise enough to send him in lol! I'm guessing that you'd like to see Jason in the lake almost as much as our team here at PRBC wants to see him go in! You can help us do that by sharing this post and following the link below to help us reach that $50k !!!!
Check out how you can donate at:
#SendJasonInTheLake #$50,000