Hey everyone! We have a few more weeks to meet our March Merch goal! We would love to be able to cover our cabinets (remaining $44,331.05) and siding installation (approx. $20,000.00) by April 23.
Send a donation and rock your PRBC camp swag!
* 20 people at $50 each = $1,000 (PRBC lanyard)
* 20 people at $100 each = $2,000 (PRBC coaster)
* 34 people at $500 each = $17,000 (PRBC sweater)
* 20 people at $1,000 each = $20,000 (PRBC toque)
* 5 people at $5,000 each = $25,000 (PRBC travel mug)
= total of $65,000.00 by April 23
Click the link to check out donation options: https://www.pineridgebiblecamp.ca/donate-today #PRBC #NewDiningHall #CampSwag #MarchMerchMonth #Cabinets #Siding #April23Deadline