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  • Writer's picturePine Ridge Bible Camp

February Goals Met!

"Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever." Ps. 136:1

Remember the goal of $20,000.00 we'd set for February? (to cover the drywall, mudding & taping, pine ceiling and blow in insulation for the upper level). Guess what?!!! Our donations in February came to $24,581.70 (not including matching donations)! Thank you to all who donated and prayed!

With the February donations we were able to cover the cost of the drywall and mudding/taping. And we can also now move forward with the pine ceiling and blow in insulation! (we even had enough to buy paint - so watch for painting pictures coming up)!

With the matching funds, we were able to put a down payment on our cabinets and catch up on a few other expenses that had come up with building. #PRBC #NewDiningHall #GodIsGood #FebruaryGoalsMet #Thankful

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